1. Praise your spouse. Be willing to say "thanks" for the little things your spouse does for you. Ask for assistance in solving problems, particularly in areas in which you know your spouse is more capable than you. Be willing to ask for and accept your spouse's opinion without feeling threatened. Make your spouse feel like he/she is the most important person in the world to you.
2. Keep your own ego in check. Never be too proud to apologize when the other has been offended. Accept that no one's perfect and we all make mistakes. Give kind, constructive criticism only when a situation truly warrants it; otherwise, swallow your pride and keep your mouth zipped. Accept your spouse's apologies graciously.
3. Keep communication lines open. When differences arise, be willing to talk things out. If you're too angered, tell your spouse you need some time to cool off. However, agree upon an exact time to revisit the problem. Never sweep issues under the rug because sooner or later they will resurface - and be worse. Do more listening than talking.
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4. Display affection for the other - both emotionally and physically. Recognize each other's needs and adjust your behavior accordingly. Remember that your needs and feelings are likely to be completely different than those of your spouse. An unexpected compliment or a surprise hug or favor go a long way!
5. Live within your financial capabilities. Lack of fiscal responsibility leads to bickering and erosion of the marriage. Establish a financial plan, and spend and preserve accordingly. Realize that there may be periods of downward fluctuations, but together you can work through the tough times, hang in there, and reverse the course.
6. Laugh - a lot! Your wife threw away the casserole that you were planning to eat for lunch. Your husband told you the wrong date - the friend's party was last night, not tonight. Blunders and gaffes are a normal part of life. In the scheme of the bigger picture, most errors are trite. Laugh about them. A sense of humor is vital to marital endurance and keeping the marriage on an even keel.
7. Be together. Be separate. Be it community, religious or political, jointly participate in activities in which you share a common interest. There's value in separation, too. Each spouse needs to maintain his/her individuality with hobbies, friends, and the like.
BONUS: Determination Teamwork = Success. Even when you are polar opposites in a situation or have conflicting opinions on a specific life topic, if you are "determined," you can find a way to compromise and develop a solution acceptable to both. (Sometimes a partner may have to yield completely. But, things will go that person's way at some other time.) The two of you should function as a "team" with a shared goal is to face life - and all of its ups and downs - together. Combined, "determination" and "teamwork" pave the way for a loving, lasting and fulfilling relationship.